Readers Wanted: The White Phoenix Feather: A Tale of Cuisine and Ninjas

Edited to Add: I’ve got enough readers for this round. Thank you all!

I have a 3700 word science-fiction story that I’d love to have some readers for. This story might seem familiar to some of you. Back in 2008, I experimented with writing a story on my cellphone and texting it to readers. I ultimately abandoned the experiment because I realized that the story that I was telling was wrong for the medium. It was an interesting process.

But I promised the folks who were reading along that some day I would finish the story. I finally have.

If you have time to give a read and offer feedback, please drop me a line and ask for the password.

The teaser:

Viola leaned across the white tablecloth of Luigi’s Interstellar Cafe and Pub. “When I said the ninjas were no match for us, I meant it. Lou will have the White Phoenix Feather by dessert.” She polished her fish knife in her napkin. She hated clients like this. “Quit gaping and finish your soup.”

Parker stirred his habanero spinach bisque, mixing the crème fraiche into the soup in marbled swirls. “I don’t doubt your skills.”

“With our fees, we’d better be good.” A dark shape scuttled past the wall of tinted glass, almost invisible against the backdrop of stars outside the station. “Crap. More ninjas. Give me your soup.”

“My soup?”

Without explaining, she hailed a passing waiter. “Two brandies. Neat.”

A ninja dropped from the ceiling. Viola hurled Parker’s habanero spinach bisque like a discus, splashing it in the ninja’s eyes. He screamed as the fiery soup spattered his eyes. Viola severed his airway with her fish knife and stepped back as he sagged to the carpet.

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