Rainy day blues

Rob and I slept in this morning, although I got up before him. I made biscuits for breakfast which was more of an adventure than one would suspect. I didn’t have quite enough flour, so I wound up adding blue cornmeal and steel cut oats to make up the difference. It’s actually nice. The secret, I’ve found, to using steel cut oats in baked goods is to put it in your liquids and let them sit, which softens them nicely.

After we puttered around, we went to the Farmer’s market and got some lovely produce. We are competing in Iron Chef tomorrow, but the theme ingredient is citrus so we didn’t get any of the main ingredients there. I won’t reveal anything that we did purchase for the competetion, because I know that Eve reads this weblog. She’s one of our main competitors tomorrow.

I researched recipes while we watched the Muppet Wizard of Oz last night, which was fairly dreadful, I’m sorry to say.

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