
I’m at RadCon! This is my first time and so far it looks like it will be a load of fun. Lots of people that I know and like, which is always good.  I got in tonight, but am really only here tomorrow.

Here’s my schedule.

  • 9:00 The Healthy Hero — Emerald
  • 10:00 SFWA Regional Meeting — Sage
  • 13:00 The Muddle in the Middle — Ruby
  • 17:00 What Writers Mean — Ruby

In travel news, because I know you are curious, I took the train. We left on time and had a delay waiting for a freight train to pass just outside of Pasco. I think we got in about forty-five minutes late.  I don’t mind train delays because I can get up and walk around. I also got a lot of writing done. Yay.

The bonus was that Amtrak stays at the Red Lion so I was able to catch a ride with the shuttle from the train station instead of needing to find my own way.  that makes life easier, eh?  I think that balances out the late arrival so travel karma wise, this worked out even.

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