Quick summary of surgery day.

  • 05:25 At the hospital with Rob for his left hand surgery. We got up at 4:20 am. Ugh. #
  • 06:00 They’ve taken him back now for surgery, which they said starts at 7:30. I should see him “in 2 hours.” #
  • 06:42 Very clever. I forgot to plug my computer in last night and the battery is now dead. Planned on writing. Glad I brought a book. #
  • 08:12 Rob is out of surgery. It’ll be a bit before they let me see him. #
  • 09:06 Very tired of waiting, now. The volunteer was snippy when I asked if I could go up. #
  • 09:14 Return of the Giant Block of Foam! #
  • 09:25 Wow. The surgery after Rob’s was removing an extra thumb. #
  • 10:18 We’ve just had breakfast at the same place we did last time. I wonder if they remember us and the GBoF. #
  • 17:27 Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts about Rob and the surgery. He’s doing well. Hardest thing so far was peeling the electrodes off. Ow! #
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