Post-WorldCon + picture of The Dress

I promised you a photo of me in The Dress. Please note: I am wearing five-inch heals and am not actually the same height as Neil Gaiman.

I know that someone took a photo of me with my parents. Cleverly, we didn’t. We did take one of me with my husband which is out of focus. So… if you happen to have snapped photos of any or all of my party, would you please send me a copy? That shoulder you see to the left of the photo is Rob. He’s wearing a tailcoat with white tie. He looks quite dashing.

For the fashion geeks: Vintage kid gloves, champagne gown with a three foot train, five inch heals, vintage rhinestones. I was trying to evoke Mae West because of the story that was nominated.

The Hugo went to Kij Johnson’s evocative novella, “The Man Who Bridged the Mists.” I was fairly confident going in that I would not be walking out with a Hugo but having my family there was such fun.

One of the highlights was introducing my parents to Neil, right after this photo, and watching Dad light up. My brother had given him the audio book of Good Omens which Dad describes as the funniest book he’s ever listened to. I had not expected him to recognize Neil. SO wrong.

The week at WorldCon was great fun overall. The convention was very well run, and felt like Old Home Week. I saw so many friends and spent time hanging out with Diana Rowland, Michael Cassutt, Paolo Bacigalupi, Kat Richardson, Paul Cornell, Tempest Bradford, Stephen Segal, Nancy Fulda, Russell Davis, Howard Tayler, Adam Christopher, Lee Harris, Emma Newman, John Scalzi, John Picaccio, Nancy Kress, Jim C. Hines, David D. Levine– you know what? I’m about to name the entire convention.

Although the weird thing was how many people I didn’t see, even though I knew that they were there. The convention was compact but also had 5,000 people so it was easy to miss people.

I also kept leaving campus, so to speak, to go home. I mean… I live here. It was odd. And also sort of wonderful. Of course, the post-convention blues will hit me all the harder because part of my brain is totally expecting Liz Gorinsky to drop by for gelatto with Charlie Jane Anders in tow.

It’s a good thing World Fantasy isn’t that far away. But guys? After Chicon7, the bar is pretty high.

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4 thoughts on “Post-WorldCon + picture of The Dress”

  1. “…I am wearing five-inch heals and am not actually the same height as Neil Gaiman…”
    I myself am taller than Gaiman, and I’m noit wearing high heels.
    He’s the one with the talent I wish I had though.
    (I’m also taller than Daniel Craig, but that’s another story.)

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