
I got in around 10:20 last night. -E- met me at the airport and drove me home. It was really good to see her and I hadn’t really realized how much I’ve missed her company till I was back in it. The house was much as we’d left it. The kitchen floor, which we refinished shortly before leaving the country, has mellowed to wonderful golds and ambers.

The trees still have fall foliage here. Reds and yellow are everywhere, and the weather is clear. In Portland. In November. It’s like a welcome home present. Our cats, Maggie and Marlowe, seem to remember me. I honestly wasn’t sure if they would or if they would care that I’ve come back. They were very affectionate and clingy last night.

I woke up around 4:30, but was able to get back to sleep until a more reasonable hour. I got up around 7:45, which is not bad for jetlag. Now, I’m sitting in Fuel, my favorite coffee shop. I had an egg and cheese bagel for breakfast with a decaf mocha. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve been able to order a decaf anything without wondering if they would have decaf?

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