Popup Books

I’ve been playing with pop-ups today for my little design gig. It’s been fun.

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4 thoughts on “Popup Books”

  1. Oh, no! Popups? As in browser windows popping up for no good reason at all (usually advertising) and forcing the user to hastily close them because they are aggravating, often resulting in dozens more appearing because the web designer has decided that “onwindowclose” function is the greatest thing in the world?

    Or is this something that the user specifically requests to be popped up?

    (You might be able to discern that I loathe all things popup. No offense to you, of course.)

  2. Or she could mean popups as in popup books except for a puppet set.
    But I doubt it.

  3. Ah, well… nothing wrong with that. I’ll just — er — take my rant elsewhere, I suppose. Sorry for the trouble. 🙂 Nothing to see here. Previous comment withdrawn (if I could edit it, I would).

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