
Oh yeah. Jodi and I have been routed through Phoenix. We got here at ten-thirty this morning and are supposed to leave at two eighteen. Our flight is delayed until 3:20. This is better than where we started this morning. We were scheduled to fly into LA, but not to Portland. Um…that’s not where we live. They put us into Phoenix and we were supposed to be here until a 5:30 flight. I just want to go home.

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4 thoughts on “Phoenix?”

  1. I hope you are up for the big party tomorrow night. You may want to just enlarge a picture taken last New Years and prop it up in a corner and let people imagine that you are really there. Actually, if the “adventures” keep happening, Rob may have to do that.

  2. You have the worst luck with flights, Madam. Will this inspire yet another hatrack story that involves Ninjas and utility belts, etc? Has it already?

    When you do make it home, have a great x-mas!

    Mr. Radley

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