Our new dining room.

In case you’re wondering why I’ve been scarce, we’re still very much in the throes of unpacking. To tide you over until I emerge from all of the cardboard, here’s our dining room, with the remaining boxes carefully cropped out of the photo.

The swinging door leads to the kitchen. You can just see the bathroom and the guestroom/Rob’s office off of the kitchen. I say Rob’s office, but it is currently the cardboard storeroom where the majority of the boxes are. Soon, though. Soon, it will be free of cardboard.

Allow me to also remind you that I’ll be in Houston at Murder by the Books this Saturday. See you there?

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14 thoughts on “Our new dining room.”

  1. Spacious and bright!  So good to see the bookcase and typewriters settled into a new home.  Do the little bulbs in the box beams work? Is the swinging door stained dark on the dining room side? I could go on but I’ll stop now.  Looks lovely

    1. The bulbs do work. In fact, when you come visit, I might ask you to bring some bulbs from Rejuvenation for me.
      The swinging door is dark on the dining room side, to match the rest of the woodwork, although I had to go check that.

      You are coming out, when?

      1.  I haz loads of patience; I just wanted to make sure you aren’t getting shorted in the office department! Also, do you do puppet-making in the same room where you write?

        1. In the past it has varied depending on the place. In NYC, I did. In Portland, I always had a basement to work in. I suspect that I won’t do both in the same place here, because there’s an enclosed back porch that is better suited for messes. 

  2. Looking at the arrangement, I expect my departed mother to come walking through that door from the kitchen to the dining room.  The ceiling fixture looks identical to one I remember from childhood days too, like little inverted cereal bowls.  Thank you for sharing the photo, Mary!

  3. Will you see me there? 
    You bet!  I’ve had it on my
    calendar for weeks, and I’m looking forward to it.

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