Other Hand revised

Well, Other Hand Productions now has a new front page to replace the one eaten by nasty computer code. I will slowly redo the remaining pages on the website to match the new aesthetic, which I like better. So, there is a silver lining.

Meanwhile, my computer came back from the shop today. Interestingly, when it left here it had a purple stripe on the screen and the dvd/cd-rw drive wouldn’t work but besides that was fine. When it returned from the repair shop, the purple stripe was gone, but Windows won’t start. After spending several hours on the phone with various members of tech support, I finally gave in and decided to use the Recovery CD. Apparently, recovery in this context means that it covers your existing data, as in overwrites it, thus wiping it. You understand that it was a big step to decide to do this.

But, there’s a hitch. The dvd/cd-rw still doesn’t work. Which means that I can’t do anything with the computer. I am not having a good technology week.

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1 thought on “Other Hand revised”

  1. Sounds like something was accidentally disconnected or not reconnected. Hard to say from thousands of miles away, though. Any chance of the repair company fixing it for no charge? Since it worked when it left, it should at least work when it gets back. Eh?

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