On the train to Surrey, B.C.

I’m sitting on the train on my way up to the Surrey International Writers’ Conference in Canada. Why the train?

I’ve finished a short story, had breakfast, strolled, and am enjoying a beautiful view out my window. I love the train SO much. Of course, in Seattle, I’ll have to switch to a bus for the last part of the trip, but it’s a fairly comfy bus.

In any event, if you are going to be at the SiWC, I’d love to say hello. If you aren’t attending the conference, but are in the area, the Saturday evening Bookfair is open to the public and there are lots of amazing authors signing.

Friday night, I’m the keynote speaker at the banquet and will be doing a short talk on “How a Life in Theater Prepared Me for Rejection.”

I hope to see some of you there.

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2 thoughts on “On the train to Surrey, B.C.”

  1. I’m glad you were able to finish a short story. When we spoke at Dragon*Con, you’d been too busy for short stories for most of the year.

    I like the idea of travelling by train, though I’ve never done it.  Motion always helps me think but it’s dangerous to write while you drive/walk/run/ride a bike or snorkel.

  2. I’d think that you would be the last person in the world to have to answer the question, “Why are you traveling by train?”

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