OMG The Transfigured Lady draft is finished!

That’s mostly true. I have some scenes that I know I need to go back and insert. And editing. Oh, lord, the editing. BUT the large plot arc is finished and I typed “The End.”

For those of you who have been patiently reading along, I’ve posted the rest of the draft so you can finish it. The chapters are, um, even rawer than usual because OMG I’M FINISHED! So, brace yourself for more brackets of holding than usual.

I can’t thank my Alpha Readers enough for following along as I wrote this. Their feedback has absolutely helped shape this. Knowing how the novel is playing is deeply helpful to me.

And now, Rob and I are going out for dinner.


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15 thoughts on “OMG The Transfigured Lady draft is finished!”

  1. Congrats on hitting a key milestone!

    If you’d like a fresh reader for the post-edit round, I’d be happy to. I didn’t volunteer for the first round since I don’t do very well with time gaps between chapters (I go off and read something else and forget too much).

  2. I am celebrating with you! I finished the rough draft of my novel on Monday, and I am right there with you in the celebrations, relief, and giddiness. Well done for making it to The End!!!!

  3. I’d love to be a test reader Mary! I actually just finished Shades of Milk and Honey… And my history degree had a unhealthy obsession with Regency Era everything…

    1. The Transfigured Lady is in a completely different continum than Shades of Milk and Honey. It’s 1907 Nashville with a different magic system. If you like, I can put you on the list for the next round of readers but that probably won’t be ready until September.

      1. I know it was set in 1907, I was just commenting on the reasons I enjoyed Shades of Milk and Honey…and I’d like that a lot Mary! Thanks!

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