Obama and the arts

I just thought I’d share one of the many specific reasons I voted for President-elect Obama. From his website:

To remain competitive in the global economy, America needs to reinvigorate the kind of creativity and innovation that has made this country great. To do so, we must nourish our children’s creative skills. In addition to giving our children the science and math skills they need to compete in the new global context, we should also encourage the ability to think creatively that comes from a meaningful arts education. Unfortunately, many school districts are cutting instructional time for art and music education. Barack Obama and Joe Biden believe that the arts should be a central part of effective teaching and learning. The Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts recently said “The purpose of arts education is not to produce more artists, though that is a byproduct. The real purpose of arts education is to create complete human beings capable of leading successful and productive lives in a free society.”

You can read all ofObama’s fact sheet on the arts in .pdf format if you’d like.

What’s a specific reason you voted for him?

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11 thoughts on “Obama and the arts”

  1. I voted for him because I trust him to make intelligent and carefully considered decisions, and I trust him to revisit those decisions should facts or circumstances change.

  2. I have a laundry list of things that I like about his policies and decisions, etc. However, part of me went with my gut. His ability to speak and inspire others to follow his vision for a better future is something that this country has been missing for awhile. In these troubled times, we don’t just need a leader, we need a leader with vision and the power to make others believe in that vision.

    I voted for Senator Obama because *believe* him and I believe *in* him.

  3. Heh. During his victory speech, when he started to talk about his daughters, I yelled, “Where’s the dog?” and a couple sentences later he confirmed they’re getting a puppy. I also led a big cheer at the lounge when a commentator, introducing McCain’s pending concession speech, said Palin was not expected to speak. But to Mary’s question: I voted for Obama because he’s smart and speaks well, inspiringly, and clearly (a talent not to be underestimated in these parlous times); because he listens to people who don’t agree with him; because he will undoubtedly gather a sharp team around him to govern this country; and because there are at least two things he can accomplish without even hardly trying, no matter what happens: 1) just by BEING in the White House, he’ll increase the willingness of foreign nations to cooperate in getting this ol’ planet spinning on a more even keel again, and 2) if any Supreme Court members retire or pass on (and at least two probably will in the next 4 years), he’ll replace ’em with responsible and intelligent jurists.

  4. Everything said already… and I voted for him because it was time to start the 21st Century. Bush failed to face some of the gravest challenges ahead of us – in terms of the changing global economy, the environment, energy consumption, health care, international dialogue – in many tragic ways. McCain wouldn’t have done a whole lot better (and I won’t even go into if Palin actually became president).

    Obama, though… wow… I believe yesterday makes the turning of many pages and the beginning of a new era in lots of ways. Nice to be part of it.

    1. Hi, David! 🙂 It’s good to see you online and I’m looking forward to seeing you in January.

      One of my FAVORITE election day moments was seeing all of the families in line. People brought their kids to vote with them, as a family, so that they all could participate in the most important election of our generation. Wow! It just makes me get the happy chills when I think of it.

  5. My thirteen year-old daughter made me listen to his “Fired Up! Ready To go!” speech back before Super Tuesday. By the time it was over I could hardly breathe. I cast my primary and general election votes for her, and for her sister. They will grow up in a world thinking that there’s nothing that unusual about electing a person of color to the White House. They’ll grow up thinking of politicians as people who can inspire and lead and offer hope. I could spend every penny I have and I’d never find a better gift for them than that.

  6. David reminded me to mention the conversation I just had with my kids. They’re in Scotland, but yesterday they desperately wanted to stay up until they knew the results. They didn’t make it, but my wife must have woken them up to tell them. My daughter said, “I was excited when I heard he was president, but when I woke up in the morning I thought it was a dream.” She’s nine. My son is seven. I’m kind of amazed at how into this election they are. But they both wanted Obama to win just as much as I did.

  7. Why I’m Voting for Obama was my pre-election list of why I went for the President-elect. I probably should have added that I’m voting for him because he’ll be a great role model for kids (especially minority kids) and that he’ll constantly annoy all the racist rednecks who can’t quite seem to join this century in a civilized way.

  8. I voted for Obama mostly because
    1) Democrats have historically done a better job with the economy than Republicans.
    2) I don’t mind McCain but he still doesn’t deviate as much from Bush as Obama does.
    3) Sarah Palin.

  9. I was going to vote for McCain until he selected that woman from Alaska. I still can’t believe that he selected her on his own.

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