New glasses. New Haircut. Newish Camera

I think I mentioned that my desktop computer was dead when we returned from Iceland. What I didn’t mention was that my scanner and my camera both require a serial port, which neither of our laptops have. Now, you’d think that we could just buy an adapter cable, but nooooo. The cursed machines only work if plugged into a serial port. I know. It’s stupid. So, for awhile the only way to get images into the computer was to use my Palm Pilot. Functional, but not stellar.

Today, Rob bought a new camera–well, a different camera from Craig’s list. It works with both computers. Hurrah.
New haircut
By coincidence. I also got my hair cut today. Pretty, huh? We’ll see how it does when I have to do it on my own tomorrow.

New glassesI also got new glasses about a month ago and completely forgot to mention them. I tend to wear contacts most of the time, and usually just wear the glasses to and from bed but I’ll also sometimes go a week without putting contacts in. It sort of depends on what I’m doing. I don’t like performing or biking with glasses, because I want that extra peripheral vision. Thanks to the magic of the new digital camera you can see the new glasses.

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3 thoughts on “New glasses. New Haircut. Newish Camera”

  1. I get so excited over the new materials being used for things like glasses. Simply amazing. It blows my mind that so many people are starting to wear the huge-superbig-1980’s glasses again because they’re in style, or something.

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