My steampunk netbook is for sale!

I have an Asus EEE PC which I modded to be steampunk. I wrote swathes of Glamour in Glass on it while riding the subway in NYC and a bunch of other shorts. These days, I don’t need the little thing and it is sadly neglected. It wants to be with a new writer who will give it the attention it deserves. Is that you?

It’s up for auction on ebay.

Oh, and I’m including an unpublished short story on the hard drive.

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7 thoughts on “My steampunk netbook is for sale!”

  1. You are mean and evil and I am the first bidder. Dangit, I wanted this thing the FIRST time around…it MUST be mine!

    *growls at other bidders*

  2. So. Awesome. Wish I had the cash to spare to bid, because I could use a new EeePc, especially one so nicely attired.

    The new owner will be a very happy writer.

  3. So pretty! As a current New Yorker, I actually have an Acer netbook (which makes my life possible) and am in need of a full sized laptop, but ohh! this is so tempting.

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