8 thoughts on “My fortune cookie today”

  1. True story: In the very hour following his marriage proposal, my fortune cookie read, “Reconsider any recent decisions you have made.” Happily, I did not.

  2. Anybody who owns a Siamese cat (or for that matter probably any of a number of breeds of dog) can tell you that language is not a necessary component for extensive complaining.

    Now, to do it the old college way, “Human invented language to satisfy the need to complain in bed.” — That one may legitimately be worth discussing!

  3. My last fortune cookie told me “Develop some flexibility in your point of view.” I told it not to be a smart ass.

  4. I think we invented language to deflect blame.

    “She gave me the fruit.”

    “Well, the serpent gave me the fruit.”

  5. momK – I’m glad you did not reconsider.

    Veejane – If the cat or dog (or baby) could talk then you would know what it was complaining about and thus shorten the length of the complaint (or not, if your point of view lacks flexibility).

    Laura – I’m having trouble typing from laughing so hard.

  6. -d-, I have the fortune stuck to the wall above my desk at work in an effort to remind me that I can’t randomly threaten people with violence just because their logic and my logic don’t relate in any way. Generally, I think it just sits there and laughs at me.

  7. Momk: I’m also glad you ignored the fortune cookie!

    Veejane: I was looking for an article I remember about cat meows which suggests that since cats don’t meow to talk to other cats that they have adapted this to get human’s to do what they want them to do. This article is the closest I could come on short notice.

    Laura: ::snort::

    Tricia: Mmm… good call. But! Didn’t language happen before that with a complaint? “I am alone.”

    Rick: You know, I always like the classic fortunes best.

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