My Favorite Scene From Shades of Milk and Honey

If you are curious about my favorite scene in Shades of Milk and Honey, it’s posted at RT Reviews. They also asked me to tell them a bit about what went into writing the scene.

Curious? Head over to read my Favorite Scene From Shades of Milk and Honey at RT Book Reviews.

If you missed it, they’ve also got an interview with me that includes a non-spoilery easter egg from Chapter 15 which explains the significance of the book that Lady FitzCameron gives Jane.

Read the interview at RT Book Reviews.

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2 thoughts on “My Favorite Scene From Shades of Milk and Honey”

  1. Hi, Mary.
    After enjoying ‘American Changeling’ I ordered a copy of ‘Shades of Milk and Honey’ and spent a pleasent weekend lost in a time gone by. You captured the genre perfectly, adding that pinch (or fold) of extra magic. I’m looking forward to reading more of your work.

    Thanks again for the experience,

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