My Favorite Bit: Elle M. Holmes Talks About THE SILENT BLUEBIRD

My Favorite Bit

Elle Holmes is joining us today to talk about her novel, The Silent Bluebird. Here’s the publisher’s description:

The stories we read have the power to change our lives.

Sadie Smith lives an ordinary life, unlike the extraordinary ones of the characters in the books where she finds an escape.

Until one story changes it all.

The story of the impetuous Killian Quinn: an agent for the Zeta Defense Agency, determined to avenge his fallen partner. As she follows him further down the rabbit hole, worlds collide when she awakens with her hands tied to a chair in the face of armed men. Sadie finds herself dropped in the middle of a battle between secret agencies she didn’t even know existed, but maybe where she’s belonged all along.

What’s Elle’s favorite bit?


How do you look at a book that you poured your heart and soul into and choose just one bit? A tall order to say the least, but if I had to choose, and I mean really had to choose one bit to beat out such gems as “the condiment of betrayal” and “black liquid gift of the gods,” it would be one of the first scenes of the book: the flashback scene between Killian, his brother, niece, and sister-in-law. 

Killian Quinn has just learned of the tragic death of his partner, but as he stares at the rug in his brother’s living room he can’t help but think back to his first day on the job and the celebration held in the very same room just a few years earlier. The juxtaposition of one of the best days and one of the worst days both happening in the same living room only emphasizes the importance of family. We all have our pack, whether family by blood or by choice, we have a pack of people we call family and they’re there through it all. Through the good, the bad, the magnificent, and the mundane, they’ve been there. They will continue to be there. Even if we may lose one of them along the way, the memories of them will stay with us long after they’re buried and thus they too will stay with us. It’s a lesson I’ve recently learned the hard way, but one I hope will extend to the characters in this series. 

As the series moves on, the thread of having a pack will only become more and more important to these characters. Whether you’re an agent in a secret organization or a historian at the Smithsonian, the truth remains the same: we are not solitary creatures. We need interaction, we need love, we need family. 


The Silent Bluebird Universal Book Link






Elle M. Holmes was born in Florida, USA, and has been writing both professionally and recreationally for years before publishing her debut novel, The Silent Bluebird. When she’s not writing she has her nose buried in a book, taking in the sun at the beach, or finds herself stalking dog adoption sites. Often times all three concurrently.

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