Merry Christmas!

Me, the Christmas Tree and my bikeI finally managed to get a Christmas tree yesterday on my way home from work. I’d tried to find a place that had a tabletop tree and finally gave up. I went back to one of the places I’d visited before and purchased a regular tree and had them cut it down to a three foot tree. We then wrestled it into the pannier of my bicycle.

Although I’m brightly reflective, the tree obscured my rear light. I unclipped the light from the bike and attached it to the top of the tree where the star goes. I wound up having to bike side streets because the tree stuck out far enough from the bike that it was thwacking parked cars as I rode along.

It’s now decorated with a nice assortment of presents under it. We’re going to sleep in tomorrow and enjoy a day of rest.

May your Christmas be as joyous.

Christmas 2006

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