Merry Christmas!

Last night Rob and I incorporated one of his family’s traditions into our Christmas. We discussed whether we would open the gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning. They do this every year, so we merrily discussed the relative merits. Breaking with their tradition we decided on a compromise. We opened the gifts from his parents last night and from everyone else this morning.

I woke up at eight o’clock. I’m still startled awake by the daylight, convinced that I have overslept. It’s funny how quickly I became aclimated to that. I got up and made popovers and tidied a bit. Rob got up around ten-thirty.

We received wonderful gifts from our numerous friends and relations. If you need evidence of how many friends and relations we have, please examine the pile of debris.
(Note: Due to quantity, some of the gifts have crept near the debris pile.)

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