Me and the canonical Doctor Who

I had this odd experience last night while we were watching Doctor Who. In the episode “The Hungry Earth” there’s a sticky wooden door.  Rory asked the Doctor why he didn’t sonic it and he replied “It doesn’t do wood.”

This created a moment of author horror for me.

I have one (1) story in the Doctor Who universe and it is a great joy in my life to have been invited to play there.  But– but… a major plot point involves sonically tuning wood.  For a moment I thought that my story had just been canonically broken.

I had forgotten that when I wrote it, I was asked to use a different tool because the sonic screwdriver was overused. Thank heavens.  I made up the “universal manipulator” which, in my head, is what one uses to tune a sonic screwdriver and other such devices.

It was a surreal moment, nonetheless.

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7 thoughts on “Me and the canonical Doctor Who”

  1. Link didn’t work for me. I’d be interested in tracking your story down. Haven’t read the tie-in work for Doctor Who, but am a big fan of the reboot. I really like how “human” the characters are.

    – M

  2. Christian Berntsen

    That’s very cool you got a Doctor Who story. That’s one of the few sandboxes I’d like to play in someday. I will have to track that one down.

    I just finished series 5 last week. I like Matt Smith’s Doctor overall, but there are moments he kinda loses me. It’s strange for me right now with Doctor Who, actually, as before series 5 I did a marathon run through Tenant’s last season ans the specials, and now I’m currently watching the first series again with my wife who wanted to see it. So, I’m experiencing the three most recent Doctors in short order (haven’t seen much of the original run yet). Funny to see the quirks of each like that, with the Ninth Doctor a bit more aloof, the Tenth in the thick of it, and now the Eleventh somewhere in between.

    1. I think I like Matt Smith as the Doctor, but they’ve only had one script that I’ve been really keen on. Everything else is sort dialed to eleven too much of the time for my tastes.

      Also, is it just me or does this Doctor have a really high death rate among his companions and new friends?

      1. Christian Berntsen

        Well, I thought the Tenth Doctor had a pretty high death rate, and was also a bit more cool about them unless they were really close. However, thinking on it there were a lot of casualties this season.

        One thing that does bother me about Smith’s Doctor, is that I sometimes get the feeling that he knows less about things than he should. Perhaps I became accustomed to Tennant’s kind of know-it-all brashness (if that makes any sense).

        As to the stories, there have definitely been a lot of ups and downs this season, but nothing so bad that I’m driven away.

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