Mary’s Dragon*Con 2010 schedule

This will be my first Dragon*Con and I’m very much looking forward to it. Since it is a costume friendly con, I’m bringing the full Regency wardrobe for evening wear. I’ll also have the sandalwood handfans for folks who would like them. But where can you get one? Just find me at any one of these exciting activities.


01:00 pm Location: M301 – M304 – Marriott (Length: 1)

Edited to add: An airline itinerary change has me arriving AFTER my session. Sorry. Feel free to find me after any of the other panels/events.

05:30 pm Location: Roswell – Hyatt (Length: 1)
I’ll be reading from Shades of Milk and Honey and performing The Broken Bridge, which is the shadow puppet play that occurs in Chapter 10.


Broad Universe Reading!
11:30 am Location: Greenbriar – Hyatt (Length: 2.5)
Description: Discover new writers, rediscover ones you know! Up and coming women writers read from their own works and others. (I’ll be reading a new short story.)


The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
11:30 am Location: Hanover C – E – Hyatt (Length: 1)
Description: A roundtable discussion about science fiction and fantasy book covers by industry pros, discussing what’s good, bad and could be better.


Joining a Writer’s Group
11:30 am Location: Manila / Singapore / Hong Kong – Hyatt (Length: 1)
Description: Whether it’s a national organization like SFWA, RWA,or HWA or a local group…What’s in it for you?

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11 thoughts on “Mary’s Dragon*Con 2010 schedule”

  1. Hi Mary!

    Are you sure the BU reading is 2.5 hours? I thought there was another panel in the room at 1 pm. (I’d be happier with 2.5 hours, because we’d have more time.)

    -fellow Broad reading Saturday morning

  2. I hope you get a chance to check out the Atlanta Radio Theater, 24 years old and going strong. Shows on Friday and Sunday.

    Friday at 7pm in Regency VI-VII.
    The House Across the Way by Kelley S. Ceccato and The Proper Thing To Do by William Alan Ritch and Brad Linaweaver.

    Sun Sep 5 7:00pm
    “At the Mountains of Madness” by H. P. Lovecraft and “Time and Time Again” by H. Beam Piper.

  3. Cool, didn’t realize until now that you’d be at D*C! We met briefly at the Shades of Milk & Honey launch party at NASFIC (I was the fellow Enloe alum); hopefully I’ll get a chance to say Hi at D*C as well. Actually, I’d love to get the chance to pick your brain for a few minutes about living and writing in Portland, as I may be leaving Raleigh and moving up to the Pacific NW (either Seattle or Portland) in a couple of months.

    Here’s hoping for a great D*C this year. =)

  4. Here’s a question: How do you decide what cons to go to? I’m interested in (a) the published author prospective (obviously anywhere to promote and sign your work is good, but these traveling can add up, so how do you choose?), and (b) what things should an unpublished author look for?

  5. Hope things smooth out for you Mary and I hope you have a great show at DCon! I’ll be working in the Filk track but hope to catch part of your schedule.

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