Making the dead dog

Chihuahua skullI’m starting by using a real skull for the dog head. I’d planned on just getting a resin dog palette, but lo! There’s Skulls Unlimited has a giant collection of dog skulls.

Now, I’m not going to be using the Chihuahua skull in this picture, but had to share it with you. Does that not look like an alien? No wonder they so often look creepy.

I ordered a large B-quality domestic dog skull. Once it arrives, I’ll enlarge a picture of a dog’s skeleton to match the skull and use that for my scale rendering. It should be an interesting process.

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6 thoughts on “Making the dead dog”

  1. I spent the day writing about skeletons; I so needed to see that. However, it did remind me that I have neither a dog nor a monkey in my story. Again.

    I’d pee my pants if I saw that thing coming at me, day or night.

  2. If you combined that with your previous purchase, you’d have something positively H.R. Giegeresque

  3. interesting site… gotta love it for offering an “economy skull bag” and for including a writhing mass of dermastid beetles on it’s employee page.

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