As always, cons are both fun and exhausting. Lunacon hit me particularly hard, not because of the pace while at the con, but because I opted to come home every night instead of staying at the hotel. On the face of it, this seems completely reasonable since home was only forty-five minutes away and I have longer commutes than that on a regular basis in the city. In practice, however, it meant that I missed out on all the hanging out in the bar and unwinding that makes up much of con time.
Still, it was a fun con and it was nice to see the host of folks. I particularly enjoyed stumbling onto the branch of MaltCon 09.3 surrounding Laura Anne Gilman. Next time, I will have to bring my own flask so I can share. Despite my complaints about travel, I did get to spend time in the bar with Chuck Gannon, Mike Kabonga, and Neal Clarke, of the Hugo-nominated Clarkesworld magazine, today before Rob whisked me back to the city on the bike. (By whisked, I mean, drove slowly through traffic.) I also met some lovely, lovely people including, but not limited to, Kate Baker, Chris McMahon, Jill Friedman, Racheline Maltese and Tom Crosshill.
All in all, it was a good weekend.