Lighting Away from Home – Chanukah with Aish

David, the puppeteer who plays the mayor, is Jewish and his wife sent him a menorah so he could celebrate Hanukah here. I was looking for the prayers for him (he’d forgotten one) and stumbled upon Lighting this page. I thought David was in trouble, at first, because he’s been lighting the candles at work, which seems to be against the rules, but then it turns out that its okay because he eats all his meals here. Whew.

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1 thought on “Lighting Away from Home – Chanukah with Aish”

  1. Hi Mary,

    Yes, for all the wonderful aspects of Judaism, there are certainly some maddeningly arcane and rigorous (to the point of absurdity) “regulations”. Actually, I think it was my grandparents tendancy to stress rules such as those on this website, instead of discussing the underlying significance of the holidays, that made Judaism so hard for me to embrace until adulthood. Now I find plenty of wisdom in it.


    p.s. story please

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