Life with a touring puppeteer: 1998, Day 16

This is the last of these re-run posts. The Rabbits, Carrots and Whales tour was very short, but I used to tour nine months out of the year. I don’t do that anymore. At least, not the same way, but it does seem like I’m gone an awful lot.

Friday, October 22, 1998
Day Sixteen

This is the last day of tour! We had the best support that we’ve had at schools the entire tour. The cultural arts representative brought us juice and warm muffins. The kids were great. The choir teacher helped us pack up when we were done. It was the perfect end to the tour. Sungura even stayed in one piece. Although in a moment of irony, as we were packing Joe accidentally stepped on the Little Brer Rabbit puppet he made during rehearsals, and broke the rod. But that was our only casualty

Then we drove home. Seattle has really nasty traffic.

Thanks for joining us on tour.

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