Librarians rule the world. Or they should.

Oh my! You guys. Guys!

So… I sort of have this hero worship thing for reference librarians who seem to be able to find the answer for everything and they work in book temples.

I still use the Multnomah County Reference Librarians because they rock and they have a handy chat window where you can ask a question. (Also, I still own a house in Portland and pay property taxes) Anyway– today, I had run into a tiny detail that I needed for Valour and Vanity so I opened up the chat window and asked.

The librarian said, “Give me a minute to find the answer.”

Which was fine, and expected, since I’m asking about how beans are sold in 1817 but then– THEN another librarian gets on and says, “Did you write Glamour in Glass?”

Mouth drops. I grin. I cackle, in fact, because I’m in private and no one will know unless I blog about it, and then write. “Yes! I did! This is actually a question for book 4.”

I mean… I know that librarians know books but there are a lot of books and authors. I was just so geekily thrilled.

And they are hitting the stacks to come up with the answer to the bean question and will email me. I so love librarians.

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3 thoughts on “Librarians rule the world. Or they should.”

  1. Yes, I think this is my goal: to write a book that a librarian somewhere links with my name and thus recognizes me! Kelvinkao is right–awesome indeed.

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