LeeCon – Day 3

Yeah. So, I don’t know what I was thinking when I thought I would drive home every night to Chattanooga. We’re having way too much fun. It’s 2 a.m. and we’re just going to bed.

We watched the newest Dr. Who episode. May I say, I am such a geek. I was a huuuuge Dr. Who fan when I was a teen, and by God, I turned fourteen again watching these episodes. They are really good. Besides engaging characters and interesting storylines, they actually have production values. If you’ve seen the original Dr. Who episodes, you know what a phenomenal leap that is. Of course it’s also fun to sit with a bunch of SF writers and chat about it afterwards.

I’m going home early tomorrow. I’ll really miss Jenny, Nia, Steve, Luc and Lee. This has been a great weekend.

Oh! And Jenny and I just realized that we’ll see each other in NYC on Wednesday. Then I will get to see Steve and Lee at Chattacon next weekend. Looking forward to that.

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