Where I’ve been for the past month

So, for those of you wondering where I’ve been the past two weeks, I will tell you.

First, I went to NYC and read at KGB Fantastic Fiction with Leanna Renee Hieber. You can listen to our reading on the Fantastic Fiction at KGB website. And yes, Leanna and I both dressed for the event. I write novels set in the Regency, she’s writing Victoriana. I start at about 5:00. I read from the first chapter for Of Noble Family and the first chapter of Ghost Talkers.


Second, I went the Oregon Regency Society Retreat at the Oregon Caves, where I spent four days in the early 1800s.The last day of the Oregon Regency Society retreat. Heading back to the 21st century.

Third: I went to Chattanooga, where we threw the Out of Excuses Writing Workshop and Retreat for 24 students. It was an amazing and intensive week.

These are my notes from my clad on outlining. It's all clear now, right? #Wxr14

I’m home until Monday, when I’m off to Michigan to record an audio book, but that’s only three days so it almost feels like a it doesn’t count.



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2 thoughts on “Where I’ve been for the past month”

  1. Wow, those Regency Retreats look like an absolute blast. It looks like some great scenery and classy people.

    I also just wanted to give a heads-up, I am not sure if the link will work later but as of right now, the Fantastic Fiction link is coming up with a “This webpage is not available”. I am very excited to listen in whenever it does work.

    Take care!

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