It’s 2:30 a.m.

I’m still up and, thinking about how often and easily I stay up this late, I’ve decided to take the 3:15 a.m. train to Readercon on Friday.  I miss Rob (just in case you couldn’t tell from the schmaltzy posts this week) and would rather be tired during the con than miss seeing him by an hour.

This plan may change if he calls me in the morning and says that they are extending the shoot.  Which, given the French Farce of our travel plans, seems likely.

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2 thoughts on “It’s 2:30 a.m.”

  1. At about the same time last night I was cruising your blog looking for your post on elevator pitches. I’ll miss seeing you and everyone this weekend at ReaderCon, but thanks to you I feel ready for the pitch session I’m going to be at.

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