It is hot. HOT. I do not approve. Plus layout with melting brain.

I spent yesterday evening and part of today in Philadelphia, meeting with Stephen Segal to wrap up the layout on Weird Tales. This issue is a transition between his art direction and mine to make things smoother.  I only have one more large thing to layout and then I think it’s off to the races with it.

The only thing I didn’t like about the visit was the humidity. So much worse than NYC. At one point last night the only intelligent thing for us to do was to take an ice cream break. I just have to ask how the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were ever drafted while the founders brains were melting.

I certainly lose my ability to make intelligent design decisions with a melting brain. Thank heavens Stephen has practice at working here. I think this issue will look good.

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3 thoughts on “It is hot. HOT. I do not approve. Plus layout with melting brain.”

  1. The founding fathers were surrounded by forest, not concrete and asphalt. My guess is the climate was not as oppressive. And then there’s the fact that they always lived without air conditioning, so buildings — and people — were adapted accordingly.

    And if you think it’s nasty there, Mary, just wait until you visit Raleigh in August. You remember Raleigh in August, right? The good news is that our AC units work fabulously — provided no hurricanes arrive to obliterate the power grid. 🙂

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