IROSF reviews Shimmer’s autumn issue

Autumn 06 coverInternet Review of Science Fiction reviewed our autumn issue of Shimmer. Many thanks to all of our authors and artists and hearty congratulations to Silvia Moreno-Garcia, whose story “King of Sand and Stormy Seas” got a recommendation from Lois Tilton.

A man’s life comes full circle as he returns to his origins. When he was only a fisher boy, the sea had given him a gift.

The blade was blue with fine letters spelling conjures of protection. Once Lysander had taken the sword to a magician. He told Lysander the writing on the sword predicted that the man who wielded the weapon would become a hero. The magician, it turned out, had been a charlatan.

A nice depiction of the contrast between dreams and reality, and the pain of disillusionment.


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