I woke up on Tuesday and had no internet. I grumbled but whatever. I had other things to do and it was probably just a temporary outage. It is now Thursday night and my internet signal has ranged from zero to one bar of connection. Mostly it is zero and then will tantalizingly show a single bar, long enough for me to type a url and then it will vanish again.
I’m not even getting loads of writing done because if one of those brief bars show up I pounce on the machine.
Technical support has no idea what’s wrong. They are very apologetic and sending someone out. Just not until next Tuesday.
I’m anticipating a lot of coffee shops this weekend. If you want to do a writing date, call me.
Hope it gets fixed soon.
Good luck with your travails. There’s also this funky error message showing up at the top of your entry header. It reads:
Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Unknown modifier ‘<' in /home/186213/domains/maryrobinettekowal.com/html/wp-content/plugins/page-links-to/page-links-to.php on line 186
However, when I went to comments to tell you, that message disappears.
In case it matters, I use Windows Explorer — I know, I'm old-fashioned. 🙂