In Grand Haven, with bicycle + invitation to write

On this trip to Grand Haven, I’m trying something new. I rented a bike instead of a car. I had talked about it when I was out here in the winter, because Brilliance is les than two miles away. It always felt silly to drive aside from the fact that it was cold and often windy. Snow I can handle. Snow and wind? No, thank you.

This trip is a little jarring because the weather is so nice. I’m not used to seeing green while here. It’s pretty.

Anyway, as I mentioned, I had been talking about it last winter and would love to pretend that I planned ahead. But the truth is that as I was getting ready to leave last night we realized that I had no idea where my driver’s license was. In all likelihood it dropped out of my pocket while travelling and I didn’t notice it because I don’t drive.

A passport got me through security but would not allow me to rent a car. Fortunately, I remembered the bicycle conversation and arranged to rent one. After that it was just a matter of getting to Grand Haven. Lucky for me, David Klecha foolishly suggested that he might drive out to have lunch with me. Mwhahahaha! I offered to buy him lunch if he’d actually drive me out there.

He’s a lovely guy so I got the better end of the bargain by a long shot. He’s full of hilarious stories and it was good to catch up with him.

I now have a bicycle, a helmet, and am ready for the week.

Speaking of this week… If you are inclined to join me for writing, I’ll be at Jumpin Java Coffee tomorrow evening after I finish recording. Probably around 6:00 or 7:00.

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