I Will Be Chairing DisCon III!

I have some exciting news to share with you all today. It’s official: I’ve accepted the role of Con Chair for Discon III, the 79th Worldcon. I’ve met with the department heads, and I can tell you now that they are a wonderful, highly competent group of people. I am thrilled to be working with them; I could not possibly ask for a better team to support an inclusive and successful Worldcon.

The science fiction and fantasy community is beautiful, diverse, and filled with excellent people who care deeply for one another. It has long been important to me to give back to that community in any way I can. I’ve made so many friends, met so many loved ones. Being able to serve the community is something that brings me happiness, joy, and a sense of belonging – and I want everyone to have a chance to experience that joy at Worldcon 79.

As you may know, I am a finalist in two categories for the Hugo awards this year. To prevent conflicts of interest, we will be maintaining a full firewall between myself and the independent subcommittee responsible for the voting and administration of the 2021 Hugo Awards. Maintaining the integrity of the awards is deeply important to me, and one of my conditions for considering the role was that we maintain that firewall. Any questions about the Hugo Awards should be addressed to [email protected].

I encourage you all to read the full announcement with additional information over at DisCon III, and, further, I hope to see you all in December – whether that be virtually or in person!

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