I can haz Wikipedia entry.

I’ll know that I’ve arrived if the Wikipedia entry on me doesn’t get deleted for not being notable enough. I long to go in and add birthdate (February 8, 1969) and birthplace (Raleigh, N.C.) but the etiquette of wikiland say that I can’t add information about myself. Still, I’m not going to complain much or loudly since I have an entry. Yes, that’s how much of a geek that I am — a wikipedia entry pleases me.

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13 thoughts on “I can haz Wikipedia entry.”

  1. I have edited the entry to reflect your birth date and place. Is there something else you’d like to add? Which photo of you should I upload? I regularly “tend” the bio pages of several friends I have who’ve made Wikipedia…I’ll just add you to the list. 🙂

      1. I definitely think a list of your puppetry credits as well as your writing credits might be in order. Photo’s up but I don’t understand why the heck the extraneous code is there…Wiki sucks like that. Someone else will fix it, I’m sure. And oh lordy, the dances I had to do put that pic up…blah blah blah YES she gave it to me for this purpose NO I’m not violating anyone’s copyright YES I have her permission OMG. 🙂

      2. And I’m STILL dancing! They say since there’s no copyright info (omg how much more do you want) it might be deleted. I’ll see what they do once they actually read my summary. But seriously, this is getting dumb.

        1. Ugh! I had a cover of Shimmer deleted once despite the fact that it was a) totally within fair use and b) something I’d uploaded myself and explained that I was the art director.

          Thank you for the efforts!

  2. If I stumbled across the entry I would think that the puppeteering was what was in the Science Fiction/Fantacy genre. Perhaps you ought to add author to the occupation?

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