I am the secretary-elect for SFWA

The election results were announced today at the business meeting.

President: Russell Davis
VP: Elizabeth Moon
Secretary: Mary Robinette Kowal
Treasurer: Amy Casil
Eastern Regional: Bud Sparhawk
Overseas Regional Directon: Ian Whates

Because the current secretary, Alma Alexander, couldn’t be here, I dived right in by taking minutes of the meeting. Fortunately, I don’t have any official duties until July 1, which will give me time to get the volunteer coordination organized so I can hand it off to someone else.

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30 thoughts on “I am the secretary-elect for SFWA”

  1. Congrats! A good slate, all around.

    (Here’s your Official bottle of Tylenol, and your Also-Official bottle of hootch….)

  2. Congratulations! I saw Scalzi posted this news and was waiting for you to mention it. Way to dive right into it. 🙂 makes the expensive hotel room with the lousy wifi seem more worth it, I’m sure.

  3. Congratulations, and hooray!

    Given these results, I may join up this year. I’ve only got two qualifying sales, so my joining wouldn’t have let me vote. I figured I’d wait to see how this election went.

  4. Congratulations! 79% of the vote and no write-ins! The SFWA has spoken, and they want YOU!

    Based on what you said you wanted to accomplish, I imagine you’ll be quite busy (wait; you already were), but I hope you have an enjoyable and successful tenure!

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