I am running for SFWA VP, again.

Dear SFWA members:

I’m running again for the position of Vice President. For the last three years, I’ve been privileged to work with a extremely active and committed board, first Secretary of SFWA and for the last year as Vice President. I believe that SFWA is an important organization and that volunteering for it is a way that we can each help to pay it forward by making the field stronger. The past three years have been rewarding and exciting times.

There are still things that I want to accomplish, such as trying to find affordable health care for our members, and things that I want to see through, such as reincorporating in California under the new bylaws. I would very much like to continue helping SFWA regain solid footing so that it can continue to inform, support, promote, defend and advocate for our members.

During the next year, I plan to continue the work that we have begun. Part of the work that we have in front of us is the Operations Policy and Procedure Manual (OPPM) which, I believe, will make the work of running SFWA easier and clearer.

This will be my last term on the board. I mention this because I think it is important to understand that if you vote for me, you will be voting for a vice presidential candidate who will not run for President next year. In addition to the points that John Scalzi makes in his platform, I also want to encourage candidates, now, to think about running next year for the board of directors. SFWA is important. As a group we can improve things within the industry in ways that individuals cannot, but we are dependent on our volunteers. We are dependent on you.

For those of you that I have not yet met, here is a little about me personally.

  • I have been an Active member of SFWA since 2007 and served on the board since 2008.
  • In addition to my Board duties, I have also supervised the team which built your new website, sourced and manage the new membership management software, and researched options for health insurance.
  • I was the 2008 Campbell Award Winner for Best New Writer.
  • I’ve sold two fantasy novels to Tor, and my debut novel, Shades of Milk and Honey, appeared last summer.
  • In addition, I’ve sold over 40 short stories to markets such as Asimov’s, Strange Horizons and Clarkesworld as well as appearing in several Year’s Best. In 2009 my short story, “Evil Robot Monkey” was on the Hugo ballot.
  • Besides writing, I am a professional puppeteer and voice actor and have worked in the arts for the last twenty years. I served on the Board of Directors and as the Vice President of UNIMA-USA, the American branch of the international puppetry organization.
  • My work in the arts has give me experience in how effective non-profits function, as well as grant-writing and volunteer management.
  • I live with my husband, Rob, in Portland, OR.

I look forward to continuing my work for SFWA as part of the 2011-2012 Board of Directors.

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1 thought on “I am running for SFWA VP, again.”

  1. I’m curious, Mary, if there is any discussion on how the publishing industry is changing. Seems like self-publishing is becoming much more in vogue, and ebooks are starting to take a majority in sales. Have there been any discussion of setting a threshold for self-publishers to be eligible to join the SFWA? A lot of new authors seem to be bypassing the traditional path from what I am seeing, and even some of the old heads are taking matters into their own hands.

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