Hello San Francisco!

I left the house this morning for another leg of the Without a Summer book tour, and it was snowing. Granted, it’s thematically appropriate weather, but so unnecessary. I am seriously contemplating titling my next book, Perfectly Lovely Weather, Thank You.

Other than a brief period where it looked like I might not get on the flight because it was oversold, the trip here was without incident. Saturday night, I’m reading at SF in SF with Rick Klaw, which should be fun. He’s promoting an anthology, The Apes of Wrath, that I happen to have a story in. This means that at the reading, I will not be reading the same thing I’m reading on the rest of the tour.

There’s a very good chance that I might be previewing part of the fourth book in the Glamourist Histories, which maybe, might have a monkey in it. Possibly. Anything could happen. I mean, the book doesn’t come out until 2014, so I wouldn’t be so cruel as to tease you with a preview of it, would I?

So… will I see you at SF in SF?

April 20, 2013 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Where: The Variety Preview Room
582 Market Street
San Francisco,CA 94104




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2 thoughts on “Hello San Francisco!”

  1. Alas, today, leaving the couch and spending money on transit is not happening for me. 🙁

    I hope to catch Nebula weekend.

    Enjoy the sunshine and no snow!

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