Heading home, with pictures of the puppets

I’m heading home after a very productive week working on Odd and the Frost Giants for Stages Theater in Houston.  I should note that if you want to see the show, most of the performances are for schools.

There are only three public performances.  It’s a small theater and I suspect the show will sell out. I’d recommend getting tickets early.

I alternated between doing finish work on the puppets during the day and rehearsal with the cast in the evening.  I’m very proud of the work the cast put in.

They had never worked puppets before and were really game about trying things.  We started with a very fast puppetry 101 session and then started working on how to use body language to express.

The rest of the week we worked specific scenes, refining their movement choices.  As the week progressed it was exciting to see them begin to apply the physical vocabulary from one scene into others.

As you can see, the puppets are very different in how they work, although they all use the same principles of puppetry to communicate through movement.  The biggest challenge at the beginning was getting them to take risks. They were afraid that they would break the puppets. By the end of the week, Thor was chasing Loki around the stage.

As I said, I’m very proud of them.

I think it is going to be a darn fine show and encourage anyone within driving distance to head over to see it.

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