Happy Mother’s Day!

A very happy Mother’s day to both our mothers.

I’ll have to admit that, being in Iceland, this day snuck up on me because they don’t celebrate it on the same day. We were leaving to go snorkeling and one of the American’s said, “Happy Mother’s Day!” to her mom. My heart sank.

Rob and I looked at each other and he said, “I don’t suppose you ordered flowers this year?”

No. I didn’t.

So, this is a public apology for being a neglectful daughter. We’ll do better next year. And just wait until you come to visit! We’ll treat you so well…all of your friends will be jealous.

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3 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day!”

  1. Mary Robinette Kowal

    This June? But I thought Father’s Day happened last year?

    Seriously though, thank you for the reminder.

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