Happy mail day

I got a big batch of mail from the U.S. today. I got my copies of Apex Digest, which was a lot of fun. The folks in the green room are reading it and making various horrified faces. It’s fun.

At the opposite end of the writing spectrum, I also got my official acceptance letter from Cicada.

Some excerpts which particuarly made me smile.

Thank you for sending ‘This Little Pig’ for our consideration. It’s a refreshing departure from the usual dark, futuristic fiction we see and we are delighted to accept your story for CICADA. A Danish pig farm may not smell great, but in terms of setting, it’s a breath of fresh air!

She went into some technical stuff and then closed with:

I’ll look forward to hearing from you! And when you reply, would you answer a burning question: have you personally worked on a Danish pig farm? We are so curious.”

Nope. My grandfather was a hog farmer, but the rest was all research.

Anyway, the combination of the two pieces of mail had me grinning like an idiot. I guess it’s the actor in me that needs some form of external validation to believe that I’m really any good at a thing. Although I’ve sold stories before, I somehow forget that until the next acceptance letter comes or I get to see the story in print. Know what I mean?

Cheesy, I suspect, but there it is.

Now, I’m off to read the rest of the stories in Apex.

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6 thoughts on “Happy mail day”

  1. Mary Robinette Kowal

    So far I’ve been told that it is, “appalling. A good story, but appalling.”

    Someone else said, “Gah! You sold something to Cicada? For children?”

    Is it a problem that I’m pleased because I’ve upset them?

  2. LOL! Those are great remarks from Cicada. I hope you have something else prepping to send them. (I know, I know, hardly any time to write — work, work, work. Still.) That’s awesome. Congrats.

  3. Hey that’s what a brain in a jar will do to people!

    I love the juxtaposition of Cicada and Cerbo… just class.

    And this isn’t your brother – just so you know 😉

  4. Mary Robinette Kowal

    I forgot to mention that my contributor copies had a check with them. Getting paid to write, will wonders never cease.

    Steve, “just class” gives it away that you aren’t my brother, but thanks for the confirmation.

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