Happy inauguration day!

I am so happy and gratified by having a President whose inaugural address was one stressing hope and hard work. Today was my last day in San Fransisco and I gathered with some friends to watch the swearing in. We were all weeping with joy at the enormity of seeing watching this inspirational man become President Obama. It is not often that you know you are watching history happen. The significance of events more commonly becomes apparent afterward, but not today. Happy Inauguration Day to you all.

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3 thoughts on “Happy inauguration day!”

  1. It was a wonderful day! I was really happy my company gave us the day off, because I would have had a hard time getting to work. I live in suburban Maryland, and work in Arlington, VA, but yesterday I stayed home and watched the inauguration and parade on TV.

    I’m breathing a sigh of relief that it all went OK–some logistical snafus, but no disasters.
    And Bush isn’t president anymore. We have a new president who isn’t afraid of smart people and who speaks in complete sentences! Hallelujah!

  2. Congratulations Mary, congratulations America! This was indeed a historic day for your nation and for the whole world. We have deep respect and admiration for your courage and determination to have voted for this wonderful change, and we will stand with you and your blessed President throughout this new era of responsibility. The world is happy and grateful, too! Til hamingju!

    From Iceland with love 🙂

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