Happy 4th of July

We’ve discovered that we can watch the fireworks from our balcony. Largely because everyone in our neighborhood seems determined to start the next Great Chicago Fire. Our neighbors are setting off fireworks in the alley. This strikes me as not entirely safe. The writer in me is noting the smell of all the gunpowder in the air.

Due west, however, we seem to have a clear view of some official fireworks. (If it is an amateur display, I’m impressed and a little frightened.) So next year I’ll have to remember this and invite people over for drinks. As it is, Rob and I enjoyed some plum moscato sorbet on the balcony and admired other people’s explosions handiwork.

How was your Fourth of July?


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7 thoughts on “Happy 4th of July”

  1. Extremely hot, record breaking warmth here. Finally fled the hot apartment to a chilly game store to play some board games with the local Indiegaming group.

  2. We went to see The Amazing Spiderman yesterday as a way to beat the heat – well, for a little while, anyway. We grilled burgers, but ate indoors. We topped off the day by spending some time in the pool. Now it’s back to work Thursday. Ugh.

  3. We used some timeshare-like points to get an apartment on the Gulf Coast (Florida). It’s been a nice change of scenery, and hey, the air conditioning even works.

    Moscato sorbet sounds amazing. Where can I get such a thing?

  4. I spent the day on planes and in airports, going home from Boston via Logan, Newark (6 hours overlay) and Copenhagen. Lost 6 hours while I was at it, but got greeted with “happy fourth!” a lot.

    Moscato sorbet does sound delicious!

  5. I got my wish again this year. heavy rains in and around Seattle up until the 3rd. Then clear skies on the 4th. The neighborhood seemed less like a war zone this year. No uncontrolled fires and everything seemed to taper off around midnight. I love fireworks but fear when a neighbor says, “Hey, watch this.” It never goes well after that…
    Funny thing though, we also celebrated with a moscato, ours just happened to come from Barefoot.

  6. While fireworks aren’t legal in Iowa, since Council Bluffs is across the river from Omaha, where they are, the CB Police ignore them leading up to the 4th. So it’s been WWIII here. I love the smell of gunpowder, the kids next door do stupid things that I’m too old (and wise?) to do myself (but enjoy watching other people do), and if the cats weren’t so upset by the noise, it’d be perfect.

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