
Today I spent thirteen hours on the computer trying to undo the damage that some hacker did to the Willamette Radio Workshop site. We’ve been attacked with minor vandalism over the last couple of months. Basically, they replace our index.html file with another one. So far, I’ve just replaced it and adjusted the chmod permissions. I thought I had them locked out because it’s been more than a month since the last attack. (Or my sense of time has warped with all the travel).

Today, they deleted our Radio Talk forum. Now, I’m a good monkey, and I backup on a fairly regular basis, so I had a backup of our database. But I didn’t have the program files because the last backup I’d done of those was on my laptop, which is being repaired.

Suffice it to say, it was a huge pain, hampered by conflicting or unclear documentation, my desktop computer crashing, and the hackers coming back in while I was working. So after all of this, I have no way of knowing whether it will be there tomorrow.

I’m very, very cranky.

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1 thought on “Hackers”

  1. Gah, Hackers! Jerks. They should pick on Microsoft and leave the little guys alone.

    Hope everything gets sorted out in the end… In the meantime, let’s give all the hackers a good poke in the eye.

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