Glamour in Glass: Travel by Dilligence

I have to thank Madeleine Robins for pointing out that the carriages in French and Belgium at this point were called dilligence. By the way, if you have not read her truly excellent The Sarah Tolerance Mysteries, allow me to recommend them. If Jane Austen writes comedy of manners, Madeleine Robins writes mystery of manners. It’s an alternate Regency, good mystery and a thoroughly charming heroine who is an Agent of Inquiry.

And now, here is how the dilligence appears in Glamour in Glass.

Despite the charming name of France’s national system of carriages, the dilligence was too crowded for comfort, and the views out the windows— though of unfamiliar scenery— were only glimpsed by twisting one’s neck. The dilligence exchanged passengers at inns, crossings, and stables so that they had an unending variety of new travel companions.

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2 thoughts on “Glamour in Glass: Travel by Dilligence”

  1. Diligence, with one “l”; never two. As in the original word in French, and as borrowed by English, meaning a kind of carriage.

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