Ghost Talkers audio blooper reel

People ask me if it is easier to narrate my own books or someone else’s. No. Neither. The one thing about narrating my own stuff is that I get to share the blooper reel. I rarely get to do that when it’s someone else’s fiction because it can often sound like I’m mocking them. Which…to be fair, sometimes I am. (“Yes,” she agreed, nodding.)* But I also mock my own

For instance, the NSFW moment in this recording is when I remembered that I’d included Middle English in the novel. Really? That was necessary?

Anyway, this contains a variety of the ways in which I screw up. A lot. Transposing words, tongue tied, and one very quiet burp.

You can pre-order the actual audio book of Ghost Talkers, which contains none of these errors. Hopefully.


*That’s an actual line that I had to read and sound earnest. No, I didn’t write it. No, I won’t tell you who did.

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