Gardens, computers and movies

We worked in the garden today and planted squash, cucumber and basil. I’ve been working on getting the info off my computer so I can send it out for repair. It has had an unpleasent purple stripe down the screen for the last year and this is the first opportunity I’ll have to do without it.

In the evening, we biked to the Roseway theater to see Star Wars. Hmm…if I focus on it as space opera then it’s easier to get over the grandiose plot, but it’s hard to get past the dialogue. There were lots of scenes that seemed to consist of, “Hello, I have important exposition to provide.” “Why, thank you for that exposition. May I provide some exposition in return.”

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2 thoughts on “Gardens, computers and movies”

  1. We were disappointed with Star Wars. After, we wanted our 2.5 hours back.

    But it did have a few good moments, and it would have been better to wait for the DVD. Also, Lucas should never attempt writing romantic scenes again. The man can’t do it.

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