Funny and Painful music video about book signings

This is very funny and painful and my big fear.

So, um, there’s a list of dates of my book tour, plus other sightings, over in the left sidebar. Come see me?

Also, I am totally going to see Parnell Hall the next time he’s on tour.

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6 thoughts on “Funny and Painful music video about book signings”

  1. one of the positive effects of working in a bookstore for six years is that you do get to see this kind of thing and aren’t surprised when it happens. it’s normal. (although, i saw a comment on an email list that stated he was ‘doing it wrong.’ i’m somewhat puzzled by that statement. but… okay.) Anyway, if you were coming to austin, i’d totally come see you. alas, not so much by the look of things.

  2. I won’t be worried about signing for another year, but it does seem like a chicken & egg conundrum to some degree. You’re there to get noticed, but if nobody knows who you are then there won’t be anybody there.

    At this point I’d probably only go to places where I’m sure there will be at least a few friends showing up.

    I’ll come visit you at Powell’s for sure, but I’m guessing that Portland isn’t a location you’re worried about.

  3. Someone (maybe me) had a bright idea to have me do a book signing for Privacy-Enhanced Business at Powell’s Technical Bookstore. One friend showed up, and one couple in the store on other business chatted with me for a few minutes. Not about my book, of course, but it was a nice diversion.

  4. Once upon a time I went to a multi-author signing in a Fred Meyer store–I think it was the early 1990s. Among the famous SF novelists there were Larry Niven and I think Mercedes Lackey (could be wrong!). I went to see Tara Harper…because we went to high school together many long years ago, and hadn’t seen each other since that year.

    The authors were set up at a long table with separate lines for each. I walked right up (so sad!) to the table in front of Tara and we started catching up. Mr. Niven politely asked me whether I had anything for him to sign.

    I regret that I told him I was only there to see my friend. 🙁 Later on when I found fandom, I was lucky enough to spend an evening in a small group with him at a con and realized the depth of my earlier mistake.

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