Funky bike

For reasons I didn’t have time to investigate, my bike started making a tic, tic, tic sound on the way to work today. So I would up having to take the bus down. It was an easy ride, but I was fairly stressed by the time I arrived because I was late. Fortunately, the cruise was very easy.

Rob is working tomorrow, but I’ve got the day off. I had requested it because we planned on having a garden party, but then he got this gig. Ah well, I could use the time to catch up on things, like, oh, bicycle maintenance.

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2 thoughts on “Funky bike”

  1. I’ll bet that if you have an odometer that has a thing on a spoke that turns a counter that the thing on the spoke had gotten twisted of the odometer itself has been moved a little bit so that they don’t mesh cleanly any more.
    Or maybe somebody put a playing card to make it sound like a motor bike.

  2. It did sound like a playing card and I actually looked to see if something like that was there. What I didn’t spot, but Rob did, was a blob of black tape that stuck out to the side just far enough to hit the break pads as it went by.

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